Supernova Friendship Block Swap: month two

Supernova-June-blocksIn addition to the beautiful block on the left, it was great fun to get Stephanie‘s list of 25 things from our Supernova Friendship Block Swap. Here are a few things I learned about her:

  1. In addition to her husband and four children, she’s got quite a menagerie: a bulldog-beagle mix, two bunnies, two birds and a fish named Bluebonnet. Wow. That’s a lot of poop to clean up.
  2. For her doctoral dissertation in psychology, she researched the quality of life of pediatric brain tumor patients. Stephanie developed a new method of measurement for this during the patients’ weekly visits. Very impressive!
  3. Her go-to snack is Cheerios (without milk). Love that.

It was so great to finally get the list, because it was pretty tough for both of us not to ask each other questions that first month as we emailed, texted and talked multiple times.

I’d also love to learn more about our other partners. I hope you’ll share one or two things from your own list in the comments section below. If you haven’t checked out the great blocks made by our swap partners or posted pictures of your blocks to share with everyone participating, you can do so at any of the following links:

Instagram: #supernovaswap

You can also post to the Facebook page Stephanie and a couple of her quilty friends started, the Late Night Quilters’ Club.

The next block is due July 15, along with the next mystery question:

Barring any physical or mental limitations, or personal obligations such as jobs and/or children, if you could hold any occupation, have any talent or live any lifestyle, what would you choose and why?

Would you be a great artist, an Olympic athlete or a neurosurgeon? The winner of “American Idol” or a Tibetan monk living in a remote region of the Himalayas? The possibilities are limitless. Share with your partner what is is about that talent, profession or way of life that inspires you. Are there any elements within your choice that you could bring into your life
right now?

I’m so looking forward to seeing the next set of blocks and learning more about everyone, but first, I’ve got to stop procrastinating and get to work on mine!


Supernova block swap: the first block

After way too much procrastination, I finally finished my first block for my new friend Stephanie and our Supernova Friendship Block Swap. While there were a few bumps and twists and mutterings of not very nice words, I’m actually pretty pleased with how it turned out.

I only gave Steph a few sneak peaks via my Instagram page, starting with this:

block1But here’s the full view: (we’re using Splendor 1920 by Bari J, along with items from our own stash. The background is Art Gallery solids in ivory.)

DSC_0002And another:

DSC_0001Thanks to reading Jeni Baker’s blog, I learned that it’s important to spoil your swap partner a little, so I made Steph a little table runner out of leftovers from my plus sign quilt.

One of these days I really have to finish that thing …

DSC_0004Here’s the block that Stephanie sent me — isn’t it wonderful?

Steph1In addition to her list of 25 things I didn’t know about her, Steph also sent me these really cute notepads with owls on them:

DSC_0011I’ll reveal some of her 25 things soon (with her permission, of course), but I want to get to the thing I know at least a few of you are waiting for — who won the free Apps pattern?

Jessica Daniele, it’s you! I’ll send you your pdf pattern in just a bit. I hope you’ll send me a photo of your finished Apps quilt.

Screen Shot 2014-06-19 at 5.59.21 PMThanks again to all of you for entering and for those of you who’ve joined Stephanie and I on our block swap.






WIP Wednesday, a finish and a giveaway: my Atomic Apps quilt top

You may recall I agreed to serve as a pattern tester for Kati at from the blue chair, making blocks for her new pattern, the App quilt. She just released the final version of the pattern, so be sure to head on over to her blog where she’s offering the pattern at a sale price along with a giveaway on her Instagram page!

(You can buy the pattern on her Craftsy page here, and on Kati’s Etsy store here.)

Here’s my version — the Atomic Apps Quilt! 05-27-14a

This pattern was quick and easy, and Kati’s instructions were very clear. I made this top from eight-inch blocks to show off the Michael Miller Fifties Kitchen fabric to its full advantage.

05-27-14bThe basting was pretty easy on this one, using Sharon Schamber’s method. I decided to do straight-line quilting with vertical lines spaced a half-inch apart, which is taking me awhile. Line after line, I sometimes wish I didn’t love the look so much.

quilting1Airhead me forgot to take a photo of the back, but I’ll be sure to show it to you once I get the quilt finished and bound.

OK, now for the best news. Kati has authorized her testers to give away a copy of the final pattern, so now you’ll have more chances to win – woo hoo! Just leave me a comment saying what kinds of fabric you’d like to use to make your Apps quilt. I’ll pick a winner from a random drawing Monday, June 16.

Since this quilt technically isn’t finished, I’m going to link up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.
