An unexpected turn of events

DSC_0001 DSC_0002There’s a winter wonderland going on outside in my neck of the woods today, which has given me a welcome day off! I hope to get some sewing in or maybe a little bit of work on my striped garter-stitch baby blanket:

DSC_0004Of course, it’s far more realistic that there’ll be a lot of shoveling in my future …

Hope you’re staying warm wherever you are.



Easy striped garter blanket

I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things after a nasty cold and the resulting lethargy took me out for the remainder of 2013. When I wasn’t asleep or staring like a zombie at the television, I did manage to start a new baby blanket for charity. Take a look:

DSC_0002I decided to make this blanket larger than my last one, but still small enough for a baby or toddler. I got the idea from one I saw on Pinterest, made by LaLaKa and found on her Etsy store. I’ll admit, what particularly interested me was that all I had to do was knit, which was the perfect mindless project for my infirmed state of the past few weeks.

For my color choices, I’m using what left of my washable wool/acrylic stash, the result of which I hope will read neither boy nor girl, though I suppose most people would consider the dark rose color more girly. You can see the color change from dark to light blue a little better in this shot:

DSC_0002aThe pattern is quite simple, I cast on 200 stitches and knit every row until the skein runs out, then I change color. My gauge is between 4.5 and 5 sts per inch on size 8 needles. After the white there’ll be a little bit of yellow, and I’ll eventually work my way back to the darker blue to give the blanket some symmetry. Here’s a closer look:

DSC_0003aThe yarns have been in my stash for quite awhile, and a couple of the skeins are missing labels, but it’s mostly Emu Superwash and Brunswick Yarns Wintuk Orlon for the darker blue. Definitely easy knit and easy care.

It’s also a perfect activity for the below-zero temps my outdoor thermometer shows today!

DSC_0003Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful holiday; thanks so much for stopping by.
