My last two Supernova blocks

I’m pretty close to a number of finishes these days, one of which is the final two blocks for the Supernova Friendship Block Swap.

2014-11-02 18.27.01I hope you’ll pardon the photo quality – I grabbed these really quick with my cell phone so I’d remember what they looked like before sending them off to Stephanie. (Yes, I cheated and sent these to her before finishing my copies.)

I admitted to her recently that while I’m pleased with the results, and the blocks have gotten easier to make, I haven’t had a lot of fun on this project. Lots of frustration trying to feed the corner points into my machine, as well as some stupid directional mistakes that have had me ripping things out.

Then there was the time I cut the wrong side of the triangle on the outside block, rendering all four pieces useless. The saying should be updated to “Look twice, measure twice, then cut.”

Good thing I’m getting a great friend out of the deal!

Here’s my last block, which is probably my favorite of all the ones I’ve made.

2014-11-02 18.55.04I can’t wait to see what Stephanie comes up with and to put the pieces all together. I promise, I’ll have better photos of everything soon.

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday … probably the best image in the post. 🙂


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